Music Is My Hot Hot Sex - CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy)*
From all the drugs the one I like more is music
From all the junks the one I need more is music
From all the boys the one I take home is music
From all the ladies the one I kiss is music (muah!)
Music is my boyfriend
Music is my girlfriend
Music is my dead end
Music is my imaginary friend
Music is my brother
Music is my great-grand-daughter
Music is my sister
Music is my favorite mistress
From all the shit the one I got to buy is music
From all the jobs the one I choose is music
From all the drinks, I get drunk off music
From all the bitches the one I want to be is music
Music is my beach house
Music is my hometown
Music is my king-size bed
Music's where I make my friends
Music is my hot hot bath
Music is my hot hot sex
Music is my back rub
My music is where I'd like you to touch
Fui escoteira-mirim
Direto da escola, n�o
N�o ia cheirar cola
Nem basquete, pebolim
O que eu gosto n�o � de gra�a
O que gosto n�o � farsa
Tem guitarra, bateria, computador saindo som
Alguns dizem que mais alto que um furac�o (rh�um)
Perto dele eu podia sentir
Sa�a de seu olho e chegava em mim
Sentada do seu lado
Eu queria encostar
Faria o tigela at� o sol raiar
Debaixo do len�ol
Ele gemia em r� bemol
Fiquei tensa
Mas tava tudo bem
Ele � fod�o, mas eu sei que eu sou tamb�m
*my new favorite band