Nicole Fox America’s Next Top Model Cycle 13 Winner - America’s Next Top Model Cycle 13 was over and Nicole Fox is the winner. So, who is Nicole Fox?
Nicole Fox is a 18-year-old girl from Louisville, Colorado. She was born with a bloody eyeball and she is the first petite model in the shows history. Nicole is entitled to a Seventeen magazine cover shoot and six-page spread, a spot at Wilhelmina Models and a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl cosmetics. Wow….
Nicole Fox is a 18-year-old girl from Louisville, Colorado. She was born with a bloody eyeball and she is the first petite model in the shows history. Nicole is entitled to a Seventeen magazine cover shoot and six-page spread, a spot at Wilhelmina Models and a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl cosmetics. Wow….
She beat Laura Kirkpatrick on the finale. She completed her CoverGirl commercial smoothly and conquering the final runway.
Laura Kirkpatrick could not deliver something emotional to the camera Nigel Barker asked her. Even so, Jay Manuel disliked the way Nicole read her CoverGirl commercial because she sounded like a snob. During the judging panel, the judges liked Laura’s walk better than Nicole’s but appreciated Nicole’s signature walk.
Then they went through the girls’ CoverGirl shoot. Nigel cheered for Laura’s photo while Tyra loved Nicole’s relax but confident shot. The judges decided upon Nicole as the winner after considering their portfolios. Congratulations, Nicole Fox!